Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Kaznia supports Lisbon Treaty

The government of Kaznia is in support of all member states of the European Union to accept the Lisbon Treaty saying that it will put the EU in a new direction. The government of Kaznia is disappointed with the British public for not having faith in the EU, many British simply get the wrong message and, with many of the British news papers owned by North Americans, the news papers can simply, and tastlessly slander the EU and all of its hard work. The government urge the British not to listen to the news papers and to only get new about the EU from official EU sources.

The Treaty of Lisbon will amend the EU's two core treaties, the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community. The latter will be renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In addition, several Protocols and Declarations are attached to the Treaty.

Official EU Website